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Check-ins, Check-outs & Regen Statements

Check-In and Check-Outs

These are an important aspect of the care which threads through our Principles and Values but they are not compulsory for training sessions. Always give participants the option not to check-in or out if they don’t want to, or offer using the chat.

Ideally, presenters should try to do check-ins as a way for everyone to connect with each other and ground themselves in the moment. A general check-in could include given name, preferred pronouns, why the person is here, and handing over to someone else in the group by saying their name.

Various other options can be used - choose which suits your presentation and timings, for example · Ask participants to post in chat. Suggest using something to describe how they are feeling - an animal, a colour, or a few words.
· For verbal check-ins with more than 5 participants, use breakout rooms but always explain that participants can return to the main room if they wish [unless using them is going to be essential for the purposes of the session].


If using a Regenerative Statement and Vision Reminder - find them here