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SOS (Self Organising Systems)

What is this training about?

SOS Training explains how XR uses its Self Organising System to organise. This system is very different to what most people have experienced in heirachical organisations or traditional NGOs, so SOS training demystifies our system, and shows that it really isn't that complicated!

What trainings are available?

SOS Drop-ins

If you don't want to attend a full training session, but have a few queries about SOS, pop along to the monthly SOS drop in sessions.

SOS for Local Groups (Coming soon!)

A new training that will explain how SOS can be used in your local group, without going into detail about the more complex way SOS is used in XRUK circles.

SOS Basics Training

An essential training for co-ordinators of XRUK circles (sometimes called central circles), this session explains how SOS is used in these circles and explains the basics of mandates, integrated decision making, and XRUK's structure.

SOS Intermediate Training

Also essential for co-ordinators of UK circles, this session is for anyone who has already attended the basics training. It goes into more detail about how SOS works and its complexities.


SOS Trainings are offered relatively regularly.
Register for a training session here

All dates, times, and registration info for XRUK Talks and Trainings can be found via: