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Data and Facts - Gaps: Our Anthropocence

Our Anthropocene

  • Plastic pollution is one of the reasons that archeologists now argue that we are no longer in the Holocene, as our plastic footprint means that our earth's surface is now littered with long term plastic pollution (together with human created climate change escalation). Now we need to call our current phase of history the 'Anthropocene'.

  • So much to say and so many organisations are already operating in the plastic pollution space, for now, check out our sources of pollution page for links.

  • If you are looking to build plastic pollution campaigns at the local level and feel bewildered at the amount of possible allies, Dirty Water crew will provide your digital armbands to keep you afloat. Watch out for spreadsheets of potential allies - coming soon.

  • We aim to help you build your lists of allies, with a searchable spreadsheet of organisations campaigning in water pollution issues. But we also need your co-creation, so a sheet will be available to add your contacts for future campaigns...

  • Please help us build our list of contacts at region and nation level by using the editable page of this (soon to launch) contact list, so those collaborations are not lost over time as people move on.

  • Meantime, if the circular economy and reduced consumption better than recycling is your swim style, the Ellen McArthur Foundation is a good start.