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How to navigate the Dirty Water book

There are a selection of actions

Wave 6 ishas progressivenow usinglaunched ‘Water Levels’ - toe-dipper, paddle, swim, deep dive. There’s a sequence from new/existing actions through to our objective - a Citizens’ Assembly on Water.

Wave 6and is focused on building communities around water to take action on raising awareness, engaging the public, growing local groups, building allies, increasing knowledge and understanding. Demonstrating agency - peoples’ voices can and will be heard.

Toe-dipper:There are a couple of priority action ideas to have a look at in sequence:

  • Blue Plaques for Naturenature
  • -
  • Fishy usedBusiness
  • pre-RNN

With wave 6 the Dirty Water Book received a major overhaul. We now have these key chapters:

  • WAVE 6 (add link) contains the new action ideas of Wave 6.
  • Assets (add link) is a chapter full of creative templates, flyers, stickers and more relating to promoteDirty Water.
  • All Porpoise Actions (add link) has a load of ideas and instructions to support your actions.
  • Knowledge is Powerful (add link) contains several pages with more in depth information and links to other information sources.
  • Data Stream (add link) dives even deeper into numbers and fats around Dirty Water

We also introduced Water Levels, an easy to understand category of risk (aka 'spicyness') for each action. The Water Levels are:

toe dip

Dip your toe

These are fun and easy actions that won't take too long to prepare and are with out risk. A good example is the march.... andMany thendigital afteractions RNNare foralso sign-up to local groups, raising awareness, informing about the ecologypart of yourthis locallevel, waterway,but takesome action e.g. join a Ceremony. Cancel for Clean Water - cancel your DD Digital - Google Review Swarm and eight do-it-at-home actions [more time-consuming digital actions couldwould be found be at the Swim level.]



Have a paddle

These are easy actions with a minimal amount of risk and no lengthy preparation time. Fishy Business -(add thinklink) is one of thethese Orange mobile network launch campaign - stenciled yellow fish appearing everywhere/randomly or in concentrated areas. Usedused to pre-promote an action or for outreach.



Have a swim

These actions involve a longer commitment and carry a small amount of risk. A good example is the Don’t Pay for Dirty Water -campaign, ongoingwhere campaign


Deeprefuse Dive:


Ceremonypay |their Watersewage isbill Lifeover -many couldmonth beand risk their credit rating to take a simple toe-dipper [sound bowl or poem read by yourself] to a full deep dive community-led, local authority involvement performance based Ceremony. Community Assemblies’ - conclusions will inform and shape the nature of the Cit Ass. Citizens’ Assembly on Waterknock.

toe dip

Dip your toe


Have a paddle


Have a swim

deep dive

deep dive

Deep dive

These actions...