Using donation tins and buckets
You can buy donation tins and buckets online, or make your own. Metal or plastic coffee or hot chocolate containers work well, with a slot in the top and some paper wrapped around and decorated.
If you buy a tin or bucket, it is best to get one with a chain and small carabiner (or add this yourself) so it can be anchored to a table.
These can then be used at all your events and meetings to collect cash.
When counting donations, you might prefer to count the cash in a pair so there are no misunderstandings about the amount collected and who has taken it to bank/to look after.
Lots of people do not carry cash these days so having a QR code printed on the donation tin can be very useful. You can create one yourself for your own crowdfunder or use one that goes to the XRUK crowdfunder. [COMING SOON]
Note: Please take care not to use the XR logo (hourglass shapeinside a circle) on fundraising kit as its designer has asked that it is not be used for commercial purposes. However we can use the name Extinction Rebellion and graphics other than the hourglass logo.