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Local Groups

Principle 10: we are based on autonomy and decentralisation We organise in small, autonomous groups distributed around the world. The aim is to balance being able to act quickly with using group wisdom when needed.

Join a Local Group

A Local Group (LG) is a group of people that gather in a local area to build support and take action towards XR’s three demands. To find a local group close to you, follow the link in the heading to go to the UK local group map.

Joining a Local Group can be one of the most rewarding things to do in XR. Many members of Local Groups become great friends, and find understanding and cameraderie that they struggle to find elsewhere.

Local Groups often run campaigns based on issues that matter in their local areas, and this is very varied across the country. Current campaigns being run by local groups range from Community Assemblies to Air Pollution, Dirty Water to Incinerators, Warm Homes to tackling Biodiversity Loss.
And their actions don't stop there!
Local Groups do their own Outreach, Relationship Building, run Talks and Trainings, maintain social media pages and send newsletters, and much, much more!

So to do all of this, they need you!

photo_2024-01-18_15-11-32.jpg>Malvern local group

Start a new Local Group

If there is no local group near you may want to start one.

Get in touch with the Gardener for your Region or Nation via our Mattermost Reception channel or by emailing

You may also want to have a look at this guide, but nothing helps like talking to a real person, so make sure to connect to your Gardener!