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Writing Strategyand designing the 2023-24 strategy for 2023-2024


Ashas been a Non-Violentcollaborative Directand Actioniterative Movement,process, fueled by the passion, expertise, and dedication of countless rebels. It is the result of extensive discussions, consultations, and collective decision-making within our Strategymovement. hasWe tohave changedrawn inspiration from past experiences, successes, and evolve to be suitable for the times we are in. Our Strategy Team is constantly in the process of learning from the experiences of XR in the UK and around the world,challenges, as well as otherthe activistevolving groups,global context of the climate and ecological emergency.

Through respectful dialogue and deep listening, we have fostered an environment where different opinions have been valued and incorporated into our approach. It reflects collective wisdom and insights from diverse backgrounds, communities, and regions. We have carved the building blocks of this strategy through constant feedback, monitoring social ecology, and engaging with external perspectives.

As we embark on this next period, we do so with humility and a recognition that the path ahead will not be easy. We acknowledge the challenges and risks involved in pursuing nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience. We also acknowledge the need to workconstantly outlearn, whereadapt, and grow as a movement.

Together, we shouldshare gopurpose, next.


Pourand direction as we embark on a brew,transformative getjourney, comfyto challenge the status quo and delvedemand intourgent action on the fullclimate XRUKand Strategyecological 2023-24.


InThis astrategy hurry?is Grabour blueprint, but it is the shortercollective Strategypower briefingand fordetermination Localof Groups.rebels like you that will ultimately build the change we seek.
