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The Roles of Participatory and Deliberative Democracy

In line with our Third Demand, revised last year, we demand not just a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice, but a culture of participation, fairness and transparency. Politicians, even those willing to act on fair solutions to the biggest crisis of our time, are simply unable to do so within the current institutional framework. Only an answer on the scale of the question can meet the moment: a wholesale update to our system of politics.

Like NVDA, these principles need a national conversation in order to drive a cultural shift culminating in a cultural tipping point.

As a movement, we will share a dialogue process in which we increase our understanding of the power of deliberative democracy and the importance of the Third Demand. XR’s most powerful and radical demand recognises the transformative potential of a single UK wide Citizens’ Assembly. In this process of collective discussion and learning, we will also consider supporting the Sortition Foundation’s proposal for a House of Citizens. This permanent Citizens’ Assembly would be a home for inclusive decision making where people are selected, like a jury, to serve the interests of the UK as a whole. To receive expert guidance and be empowered to initiate citizens’ assemblies on issues of urgent national interest.

This proposal addresses the need for our government to act independently of big money, fossil fuel interests and personal political prospects. Adding a conduit for active involvement of the public voice would be a decisive step toward a true balance of power with a counteracting effect on distorted incentives.

We will support democratic innovation and well researched projects, or approaches in other countries, that advance a cultural conversation on the options that are available for upgrading our public governance, and making it fit for purpose in a modern world.

Transforming public governance to serve the common good has become critical to the very survival of all species, including our own. Without it, we will continue along the course toward total system collapse. Participatory and deliberative democracy, including sortition-chosen Citizens’ Assemblies, create a culture of transparency, trust, participation and genuine representation.

Deciding together means power together.