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Choose Your Target & Demands

Where is your closest insurance office?

The first step is to figure out which insurers are near you and what your demands are.

First take a look at what insurance office is close to you Insurance Offices Map.


Details of each insurer

Find more details on each insurance office in this UK Insurance Offices Guide which lists the office addresses and the projects they have ruled out.

We will also be sending out the names of insurers we will specifically target at set times, although you’ll be welcome to visit all insurers and return to ones we’ve targeted before - unless they’ve listened to us!


  • No New Fossil Fuels - No insurers have ruled out insuring all new fossil fuel. We should demand this of all of them. (For social media use #NoNewFossilFuels)
  • Stop EACOP - If the insurer you're targeting hasn’t ruled out EACOP demand they do that immediately. (for social media use #StopEACOP)

How to use the guide e.g. Bournemouth and Brentwood

In Bournemouth you can see that Carlin is a possible target. They have already ruled out Adani and EACOP, so you could contact them asking them to go further with the demand of No New Fossil Fuels.

In Brentwood you can see that Chubb is a possible target. They have ruled out Adani Carmichael but not EACOP, so BOTH the demands of No New Fossil Fuels and Stop EACOP would be valid for this insurer.

Company Briefings

We are in the process of putting together briefings for the worst fossil fuel offenders. The briefings can be found on this page.

If you need any support picking your target, your demands or need info/brefing on a target not yet covered in the list above, then you can contact the campaign team directly via