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How to do media for an action

It's very, very important to consider how your action will come across and prepare your public messaging. The messaging for your action will be conveyed through different means and needs to take different formats such as banners, flyers, press releases, social media posts, and interviews. It will dictate the visual design of the action - banners, placards, etc (more on that in Vibe and Creatives). It will also inform the tactics (eg people with noose around their necks standing on a block of melting ice is self explanatory).

Read the full guidance on how to design your message here

If your action has a demand or a "call to action", this will need to be central to your message.

Sometimes we deal with complex issues which we only just about understand ourselves. Think about the message if you were to show it to your parents or a neighbour. Would they get it - without you explaining? From this you can start to boil down your key message in as few words as possible. For example “Stop Rosebank” or “Unite to Survive”. You can refine it further as you go.

Later you'll need to put in place a media plan to make sure your message reaches your audience, and a comms plan to make sure your members and supporters know what's going on - more on both of those here (public media) and here (internal comms).

  1. The main narrative
  2. FACTS to support choice of action
  3. Spokespeople on the ground who can speak confidently on (1. and 2.) to press and media

It can be useful to create a ‘Key Messaging & Factsheet’ document around an action press, spokespeople, XR central media team, social media reps etc. The messaging strategy for any action must always be in line with the Core Values and Principles.

When publicising the event, think about:

  • WHO you’re talking to (e.g. locals, green campaigners, school kids, etc),
  • WHERE THEY ARE (Facebook, community notice boards, listening to local radio)
  • WHAT LANGUAGE THEY SPEAK (science/facts, supporting their community, spirituality, empowerment).
Messaging Guidance

When planning the action, do your best to ensure the activists who are going to be present at the action understand what to say if approached by the media for an interview/quote. Or know who the press liaison on the ground is to direct them to.

Get in touch with your local media team well in advance of the action so that they can prepare a press release and spokespeople. Send 250 words and 5 W’s: Who, what, where, when, why, HOW? to describe the action also to for further coverage and support.

When talking to the media – bring your personal story, who you are, why you are doing this, your heart; then talk about the climate and ecological emergency and why it must be responded to in this way; and then move onto specifics about the narrative of your action or backing it up with more facts.

How to do media for an action contains more detailed guidance on

  • Press
  • Spokesperson
  • Social Media
  • Photographers


Press responsibilities and dealing directly with the media can seem daunting to many, but once you get your head around the role you’ll find it’s nothing to be feared! We encourage you to be confident and friendly and aim at building relationships with journalists at every opportunity. Here are some useful tips and info to help in your role:

Collect information for press releases

Collecting information for press releases is a really important part of the role and it’s really vital that all the information collected is correct. It’s definitely a part of the role that can create loads of extra unnecessary work if the details aren’t right. When collecting information, please think about the following:

  • What is the action? (be as specific as possible)
  • Why are you doing this action? What is it highlighting? Key messaging? (Please link to any useful information and research that is relevant)
  • Where and when is the action?
  • Who will be doing the action and how many people?
  • Is it arrestable?
  • If you’re using banners, wearing printed tshirts etc, what do they say? (specifics!)

Please see How to write a press release for more and How to design messaging for an action for more.

Liasing with press before an action

It’s a great idea to begin building a press list and telling your local press about your upcoming actions. This could also involve pitching stories about specific performances, personal stories etc. The idea is that we want to get these journalists warmed up and interested!

  • Call the media! Call/email media in advance of an action - ideally even before sending the press release to pitch an exclusive.

  • Contact your main local newspaper, your local TV stations (ITN/ITV/BBC) and radio stations (BBC usually best as this works perfect as part of a call in show).

  • Prepare a list of News desks in advance and save in your phone.

  • Get in touch with journalists you have personal contacts with and ‘tip them off’ to actions - amount of detail according to trust level, just enough to get them excited enough to come.

Check out the Media List page to find contacts.

Liaise with media on the ground during actions

If you see journalists and camera crews walking around, go over and say hello!

  • Introduce yourself, tell them who you are, ask if they need help with anything.
  • Take their card and ask for their contact details to add to a journalist WhatsApp chat (if you have one). Or save them to your phone.
  • It’s really important that we help media get to our trained spokespeople at every opportunity. Obviously, this isn’t always possible, but we should aim to have well prepared people in front of camera as much as we can. Keep an eye out!


A lot of press work involves coaching spokespeople and booking them in for media appearances. Things to be aware of:

  • Identify people in your local/regional teams who would begood spokespeople.
  • Train people using talking points for action specific messaging.
  • Hold sessions for trainee and experienced spokespeople to practise answering commonly asked questions from the heart.
  • Communicate urgent talking points with spokespeople (for example if something controversial just happened they will need to know what “line” XR will take on it).
  • Ensure you have spokespeople who are available to take calls & make TV/radio appearances on the day of the action, and potentially the day before (if you have sent a press release in advance) and after.

Check out our Spokesperson resources for more.

Social media

Always be sure your social media teams are prepped and ready for your action with the following:

  • Timings - when is the action taking place? If it’s a public action, being sure teams are posting before and during the action. If it’s secret, be sure they know this and when exactly to start posting.
  • Relevant messaging - what’s the topline message? Are any slogans being used? What’s the Call To Action (CTA)?
  • Tags and Hashtags - Do you need to tag any important people or organisations? Are any specific hashtags being used on the day? Always be sure to use one or two of the well known XR hashtags ie. #ExtinctionRebellion #RebelForTruth
  • Any useful content - are there any videos, images, news stories or infographics you want posted that day? Be sure your teams have them ready to go! Be sure to also have a quick and simple way of getting video and images from the action to your social media teams for posting.

If you want your content to be shared on XR UK or global channels, be sure to fill out the content form here and provide as much information, and as much advanced warning, as possible.

Make sure you have a livestreamer lined up for the day! You can also see the Livestreaming section for more tips.


Make sure you have at least one dedicated photographer lined up for the day. It is very likely that in your local group, you will have some very talented amateurs, and probably at least a couple of experienced photographers. As well as people who can shoot on DSLR, consider having people to capture high-quality mobile content, that can be instantly shared.

Keeping photographers briefed

Photographers are free to shoot in whatever style they work in. All content is welcome. A few things to consider:

  • If the media attend your actions they won't rely on you to get images. In case they don't, make sure to provide them with a few great shots.
  • Consider also what content we can produce that the media would not have access to. The behind the scenes of the action is as interesting at the action itself.
  • Think about how the content will be useful on your platforms and on the XRUK social media channels. Again, how can we think beyond just showing what happened? Is there a deeper, richer story to be told through our images?
  • We are trying to put storytelling front and centre. To platform diverse voices. Photographers might be interested in capturing both images and words - a quote from a subject as to why they are there.

Check out our photographers briefing here.