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Taking Ideas Forward

Hopefully you have enjoyed taking part in the Massembly and now have a clearer idea about how democracy could be upgraded. So how can you take these ideas forwards?

Here are some suggestions.

Join XR!
Support our demand for a UK-wide Citizens’ Assembly on Climate & Ecological Justice
Join our campaign to promote people power through Community Assemblies and engaging with local government
Talk to your MP about the Massembly and the need to upgrade democracy
Support Zero Hour’s campaign for the Climate and Nature Bill
Join a campaign supported by an NGO of which you are a member and lobby your NGO to take a stronger position on the climate and ecological crisis
  • Promote the recommendations coming out of the People’s Plan for Nature.
  • Write a letter to your NGO CEO to ask them why they are not doing more to challenge the political barriers preventing meaningful action to protect the environment. See Mark Avery's suggestions on this in his book, ‘Reflections’.
Join a group campaigning for democratic reform in the UK

There are many different groups each with their own focus. Here are a few: