Our Structure
We organise in autonomous groups distributed around the world using self-organising systems (SOS).
Each role and group within XR has a mandate. This tells those in that role or group what they can do and lets others know what they are responsible for.
Any person or group can take action in the name of XR so long as the action fits within our principles and values. There is no need to ask for permission.
We are seeking a balance between being able to act quickly in response to fast-changing situations and being able to call on multiple perspectives when needed. Our aim is a movement that is participatory, decentralised, and inclusive.
SOS as a way of organising is very different to the usual hierachical system experienced in school and work life. It takes time to get used to, but it is a rewarding and regenerative way to work together.
If you don’t choose a structure one will emerge anyway based on personalities
XRUKUK geographical structure
XRUK has organised into Nations/RegionsRegions, (witheach thecontaining smallervarious circlesnumbers onof theLocal edgeGroups.
Local Groups orare Communityconnected Groups).
The idea with this kind of structure is that Local Group coordinators within atheir Nation/Region meetand in turn those Nation/Regions are connected together regularlyin alonga withteam thecalled coordinatorsThe ofXRUK theRebel Nation/Region.
Each Nation/Region elects their External Coordinator to represent them in the central UK team called the Hive.
The XRUK Rebel Hive also contains representatives from other XRUK circles.teams and a representative for the various 'Community Groups' based on shared interest or culture rather than geographical location (e.g. Scientists for XR, XR Walkers). You can view and navigate these circlesteam (called 'circles') on the XRUK Organism.
More information:
Summary of our Self-Organising System (XR Constitution)
XR UK diagram