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Outreach Hubs

An Outreach Hub is a pop-up tent where you can find XR info and support, meet rebels, pick up vibrant print designs and join trainings and workshops. They also serve as a place of sanctuary where you can pull up a chair and know you’ll be welcomed.

A lot of the information and advice would also be useful when running a simple stall.

Rebels chat each side of a stall in a gazebo

Setting up your Hub


Consider the aim of your hub, is it informing the public about the climate emergency, who XR are, our demands, our focus on NVDA? Is it promoting a local group, or a big event coming up (e.g. a 3.5 talk or the next rebellion). It could be more than one thing, but talk about it with your team so people feel clear on the aim of the day and ensure every person interacting with the stall goes away more informed, more connected (this could be signing up to the email list, or the Rebellion Broadcast, or at least knowing where to learn more or contact their local group)

What location?

Is there a lot of public footfall for outreach? Is it a place where people linger and there’s space to stop?

What are the logistics?

How are you transporting the Hub kit from storage to location? Is the location accessible by car/van? What’s the best drop off point for unloading? Make sure you have a team waiting to help unload and set up the Hub on the day.

Familiarise yourself with the local ecology.

A week or so in advance, speak to local traders and/or people who might feel you are invading their patch to put and people at their ease about XR’s intentions.

Take time to dress the Hub and surrounding area ... that it looks welcoming and attractive. Build a team to share this task and teach others. Tuck bags and boxes away, both for security and to show the public you care. Make sure you have a team for the clean up, pack down and transport of objects home.

Look outwards!

Is all your messaging clear for the public to see? Are QR codes displayed without obstruction?

Have a welcome crew...

...skilled up in outreach who are on hand to greet people and share information… also a flyering crew in the area around the Hub.


Welcome banners and human sized banners are great for dressing sites and as a backdrop for people speaking. This helps to create strong visuals and messages for photography and live streaming.

Welcome banners: 3m x 70 cm, position letters 17cm from the top of the material, with two fingers between each letter. Don’t overcrowd the space. Full width banners, to hang at the back of the gazebo: 3m x 1.5m

Reach out to your local/Regional Art group to get advice on making visual assets or check out the Art Blocking section on the Rebel Toolkit.

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In a spirit of sustainability try and get hold of second-hand materials that will last.

  • Gazebo (purple, or otherwise) 3x3m: an example of a new one here
  • Folding wooden table we like them painted pink!
    • Rose Glory (boat pink) can be mixed with this code: RGB (229,133,165) or Dulux paint code: 47RR32383
  • Back/white chalk board - for Info, Talks etc
  • Welcome & Info banner - to hang at the front of the gazebo: 3m x 70 cm
  • Banner/s for hanging at the back of the gazebo eg. Non-violence direct action. Full width 3m x 1.5m or half size
  • Flags to put on the corners of the gazebo & to lead people to the site
  • Patches to give out

Optional but useful:

  • Bin box
  • Useful things box (with gaffa, tape, string etc)
  • Stones for weighing down papers so they don’t fly off in the wind, or apples
  • Money tins with XR logo, or iZettle
  • Water
  • Free Cake! Something really easy to grab and eat like a flapjack or a brownie. It brings people in and instantly breaks the ice.
  • Folding chairs
  • Tarpaulin & umbrellas
  • PA systam/Tannoy/megaphone for announcements
  • Granny trolleys and trays for mobile kit transport
  • Toilets - know where the nearest accessible / public toilets are
  • Waste - bring general waste and disposable bags. Leave the area cleaner than when you got there!

Print Materials

  • Flyers: Up to date 1-2 XR varieties max. Order current flyers here
  • Stickers & badges
  • Posters of beautiful designs, stencils, tube ads or other subvertising prints to give away (for donation). Download posters here that you can print locally.
  • Printed and laminated QR codes or short links signposting people to the Action Network form, Rebellion Broadcast and / or website etc
  • Clipboards for sign up forms
  • Info boards to lean around the gazebo sharing key info eg. Nonviolence, Principles & Values

Promoting sign-ups

  • Adding people to our Email list is a key part of our for mobilisation.
  • To join UK list you can use
  • To find local groups or use the tailored link for each local group (eg.,
  • If people want to sign up on paper, use the GDPR compliant sign up forms here
  • The Rebellion Broadcast on Telegram is key to people wanting to get instant access to the actions (good to promote during a rebellion, but also at any time):
  • The Movement Broadcast on Telegram is key for rebels to find workshops and training to empower them to take part in XR generally, actions and outreach:

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Expanding your Hub into an Outreach Day event?

Art Blocking


  • Sound system for vibes and mike for announcements
  • Programming: Consider representation, cultural diversity, community and language, aims and calls to action, alongside music/poetry etc to open minds. Consider length. Invite space for discussions and people’s assemblies.
  • Set up the location of the speakers carefully; where does the sound travel, is there space for people to sit, what does the backdrop look like?
  • Consider where people film/take photos for social media.
  • More info on Programming


  • Food & drink
  • Interactive stall with eg. Board games, climate quiz etc
  • Giant XR logo or set piece appropriate to the community/event to create a strong visual
  • Outreach training sessions
  • Nonviolent direct action trainings
  • Creative workshops: Paint The Streets, Subvertising, Singing etc
  • Regenerative culture workshops
  • Listening circles
  • Family & kids workshops
  • Promenade performance or puppet with relevant message eg. HS2 White Elephant to engage and/or lead the public to the space.
  • and more ideas as they unfold…

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