Painting, Making and Art Blocking
Physical art and making - woodblocks, painting, flags, banners!
Block Printing
XR Art Blockers have developed these facilities to help you provide prints for your actions !
How to Print
Video guide to effective block printing and caring for woodblocks Also see video from XR Arts F...
Flag Making
Artwork and guidance for printing flags. Video guide to make a XR symbol flag Video guide to mak...
Woodblock design files
Vector files Artwork to make blocks can be downloaded from this dropbox folder, which contains th...
Get in touch
General Info: Art Factory assets, banners & flags: XR Art...
Stencil designs
Making your own stencils We advise using old wallpaper for stencils. Just lay the printed sheets,...
Graphic files that can be used to print and use for badge-making. Print onto A4 (eco-friendly!) s...
Paris '68 Redux
Paris '68 Redux reinterprets the work of the “Atelier Poplulaire”. The “AP” were groups of stu...