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How XR started and where it is going

How Extinction Rebellion Was Born - watch and share this 6-minute video about Extinction Rebellion.

Declaration of Rebellion - a powerful and emotional statement read outside the Houses of Parliament when Extinction Rebellion was launched in October 2018.

In April 2023, tens of thousands of people took to the streets around the Houses of Parliament in London, for The Big One, a four day, family friendly event. XR was joined by over 200 other groups and organisation of all kinds, to tell the Government that we demand an immediate transition from a fossil fuel economy to a green energy economy, and that a Government funded Citizens' Assembly be established to formulate plans for the transition. During The Big One, informal Peoples' Assemblies were held daily and XR's strategy for the coming year grew out of those Assemblies.

Read/watchRead the XRUKXR UK Strategy 2023/24
and the XRUK Actions Strategy 2023/2023-24

The work we are all doing together can be stressful. To focus our minds and hearts on our mission, and our connections with each other and our planet, The Vision Reminder is read at every XR meeting.

Together, rooted in love, we are all we need.