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What to do if you registered but were unable to join the NVDA session

Sorry that you were unable to come to our Non Violent Direct Action training session.

NVDA is one of the foundation blocks for your rebel pathway and our workshops are very interactive, enjoyable and include regular breaks.

We understand that there are many reasons why people might not have been be able to make it to a planned training session, but we hope that you will choose another date and that we will see you soon.

We always strive to be accessible and inclusive and if there are specific reasons why you felt that attending our workshop would have been difficult for you, please contact us here.

Here are some options for you to consider-

If you are new to XR

First of all, you can re-book a place at a future NVDA session' or look on Facebook here We run online sessions twice a month on a Sunday.

You can attend one of our Welcome to XR sessions

You can visit our Rebellion Academy and learn what kind of rebel you are and follow learning suggestions from there.

Not sure how to Help? Here’s a Way to Find Your Place in our Foundation Programme

If you want to know what's going on in your region or where your local group is check out this map

And you can sign up to the XR email newsletter by signing the form at the bottom of the above linked pagespages.

If you are already a rebel.

You can rebook a place at one of our twice monthly NVDA online sessions. Or you can look on Facebook. Your region may also have a Facebook training and events page.

IfIt is really important that you do the NVDA training before taking part in an action, but if you do find yourself at an action before you have managed to do the NVDA training, look out for a Street Speaker who will be giving an abridged version. Also look out for people giving out bustcards.

If you want to ask us questions about the NVDA training, or if we can make it easier for you to access a future event please contact us at eventsxr@gmail.comhere

We hope to see you at one of our future sessions.

Love and Rage

NVDA Trainers crew