Prepare for Action
We choose to practice Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) out of principle and because it is proven to be more successful in creating a stable transition than other kinds of resistance. NVDA is also more inclusive, attracting people from wider segments of society. Nonviolence makes it harder for the state to respond with violent oppression. NVDA is beautiful...
Where Prepare for Action training fits in with your rebel journey
This is a quick explanation about the sessions, workshops and courses that are available for peop...
Follow-up information for Prepare for Action workshop attendees
Slides for Participants Hello! Thank you so much for coming to the Prepare for Action workshop. I...
What to do if you registered but were unable to join?
Sorry that you were unable to come to our workshop. We missed you. Nonviolent Direct Action is on...
Are you interested in training people to Prepare for Action (NVDA)?
We are always on the look out for people who can offer Prepare for Action training. Learning abou...