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Calling Tips


  • DO know the script before you start: familiarise yourself with the flow and content. Take the time to practise out loud before you make your first call, or do a practice call with a friend.
  • DO talk slowly: we are easier to understand and come across as more relaxed and trust worthy when we speak calmly and slowly.
  • DO smile while you dial: it may seem silly but it’s true! If you smile while you’re calling it will help your tone sound friendly and help you quickly build rapport with the person on the other end.
  • DO be proud and confident: you are doing a noble thing here, you are doing the right thing – and you are connecting with and enabling people who also want to do the noble and right thing.
  • DO connect with each person: imagine that they’re sitting across the table from you. Engage them by genuinely connecting and asking questions to create a natural back and forth. The more familiar you are with the script, the easier this will be.
  • DO speak in the 3rd person about XR: what ‘is happening’ and what people ‘are doing’ and not ‘what I think’ or even worse, ‘what I think people should do’! People are persuaded by an awareness of what the prevailing mood of their community is. We’re not persuaded by being told what to do by a stranger!
  • DO LISTEN: Rebel Ringer calls are as much about listening as they are about talking.


  • DON’T feel you have to stick rigidly to the script, and in fact we encourage riffing on it. Rebel Ringing is a tool to allow Rebels to connect – let’s enjoy it!
  • DON’T let NO ANSWERS GET you down: most of the time people aren’t able to talk or won’t pick up. On average only 1 in 4 calls will result in conversation, so have that expectation. Rebel
  • Ringing is not a numbers game, but a way to make a connection with another sacred being who is also concerned about the future of life on this planet.
  • Don’t APOLOGISE you are doing a noble thing here, people want to be called and helped into the movement – be proud and happy.
  • DON’T make assumptions about their age, race, gender, or how much they support Extinction Rebellion.
  • DON’T PRESSURE: Rebel Ringing is not like fund raising or other call centre based work, if now isn’t a good time for someone to be involved, we respect that - let’s be the Regenerative Culture we want to see.
  • DON’T FORGET TO DELETE: the people’s numbers you have called from your phone’s caller history.
  • DON’T BLUFF: if you don’t know something during the call, then that’s totally fine. Be honest and put the question in the Notes, someone should follow-up later on it.