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Calling Tips


  • DO knowfamiliarise with the script you will be using as your call prompts before you start:start familiarisemaking yourselfcalls. Take as long as you need to get comfy with the flow and content. Take the time to practise out loud in your own words, before you make your first call,call. orAlternatively, do a practice call with a friend.friend or record yourself on your phone and listen to how this works for you or where you could tweak your tonality or words.
  • DO talk slowly:slowly. As part of inclusive practice, we need to remember that not everyone can hear as well as we might and people we call may have learning difficulties too. We are easier to understand and come across as more relaxed and trust worthy when we speak calmly and slowly. It also helps smooth out if we have a strong accent, which can be a barrier when people cannot see our facial expressions or lip read.
  • DO smile whileas you dial:dial. itThis may seem silly but it’sit true!actually helps you relax and sets a positive tone! If you smile while you’re calling ityou will help your tone sound friendlyfriendly. andThis helphelps you quickly build rapport with the person on the other end.
  • DO be proud and confident:that you are doing positive work about which you can feel confident. You are connecting people with what they want to do and with each other. Telephone work gets a noblebad thingrap, here,but you are not selling, your campaign script shows how you are just doing the right thing for andthe person whom you are connecting with and enabling people who also want to do the noble and right
  • DO connect with each person:person. imagineImagine that they’re sitting across the table from you. EngageBe yourself so you can engage them by genuinelygenuinely, connecting and asking questions to create a natural back and forth. The more familiar you are with the campaign script, the easier this will be.become. Practise makes purr-effect...
  • DO speak in the 3rd person about XR:XR; whati.e.: "x is happening’happening"; and what "people in (location) are doing’doing andx". This is about sharing information for their benefit, not ‘whatyours. Avoid: "What I think’think is..." or even worse, "...what I think people should do’!do is..." People are persuaded by an awareness ofhearing what the prevailing mood of their community is. We’re not persuaded by being told what to do by a stranger!
  • DO LISTEN:LISTEN. There is a reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth; it means we listen better! Rebel Ringer calls are as much about listening as they are about talking. Of course, if time permits, mutual sharing of experience can really leave both sides feeling empowered long after a call...


  • DON’T feel you have to stick rigidly to the script,script. andIn in factfact, we encourage riffing on it. Rebel Ringing is a tool to allow Rebels to connectconnect. Loosening let’sup means both sides enjoy it!a call more!
  • DON’T let 'NO ANSWERSANSWER' GETget you down:down. mostMost of the time people aren’t able to talk or won’t pick up. On average only 1 in 4 calls will result in conversation, so have that expectation. Rebel1 in 10 will be meaningful.
  • Ringing is not a numbers game, but a way to make a connection with another sacred beingbeing, who is also concerned about the future of life on thisour shared planet.
  • Don’t APOLOGISE youfor calling... EVER! You are doing aan nobleimportant, thingpositive, here,empowering peoplejob wanthere. toPeople beoften enjoy being called and helped into the movementmovement. – beBe proud of Rebel Ringing and happy.happy you are helping achieve the bigger objectives.
  • DON’T make assumptions about theira person's age, race, gender, or how much they support Extinction Rebellion. Don't judge if they don't want any further calls... Life can be busy...
  • DON’T PRESSURE:PRESSURE. Rebel Ringing is not like fund fund-raising or other call call-centre basedtelemarketing work,work ifseeking 'conversions'. We are sharing information and connecting people. If now isn’t a good time for someone to be involved, welet's respect thatthat. - let’Let’s be the Regenerative Culture we want to see.
  • DON’T FORGET TO DELETE:DELETE. After your calling session, ensure that the people’s numbers you have called from your phone’s caller history.and texting history is wiped. It's a GDPR and protection issue!
  • DON’T BLUFF:BLUFF. ifIf you don’t know something during thea call, then that’s totally fine. You cannot know everything; we are constantly evolving, after all! Be honest and put the question in the Notes,Notes and before you go to the next call, if you are in a Zoom party, try to get an answer to their question. Then you can text it to them, or someone shouldcan follow-up later on by viewing the notes you left.