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Five Chat Challenge

Five Chat Challenge

The challenge is to have a conversation with five people who are not in XR.

We have the opportunity at Restore Nature Now (RNN) to change perceptions of XR and help move a new wave of people onto the nonviolent direct action journey.

You need no special training to take part in this. You can shape how this looks for you, you can approch the conversations however you like, but keep the follow aims in mind.

  • this is about connection, empathy, listening as well as conteracting media perceptions of 'members of XR'.
  • gently inviting and enouragingencouraging someone to take their next step after RNN.RNN and come to Upgrade Democracy.

Leaflets with information about XR and our next actionmajor andevent, ways'Upgrade Democracy,' from 30 August to sign1 upSeptember. will be available to help you. Also youYou can also direct anyone keen to sign upupst tovia ourthe email listleaflets, or they can have a longer conversation thewith our dedicated Outreach volunteers (purple vests). to find out more or sign up on paper forms. If they do not sign up, this conversation is still a success if it has positively influenced their perceptions of XR to our email li.

The following list is just a list of ideas of ways to start or continue a conversation:

  • to open, you could ask, ‘What brought you here?’ or ask questions about their concerns for nature, etc.
  • Is the government doing anywhere near enough to restore nature?
  • share your experience of being a rebel and why you joined.
  • share success stories of NVDA campaigns and actions, like the Insure our Future and the response from insurance companies announcing their refusal to fossil fuel projects.

Remember, these people are already worried about nature and may be way more interested compared to the general public. Be yourself, it is up to you how you do this.

This is something you can practice on the journey down with other rebels.