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Banking, Finance and Divestment

Resources collated from work by XR, Tipping Point and other organisations to help you access the information you need to plan your actions and choose your targets.

Fossil Financebanks

Focus on campaigning for organisationorganisations to stopswitch their banking withfrom the worst banks.

Bank Better Campaign Handbook (by Tipping Point) Full Colour version / Text only version

Tailored support for XR Local Groups can be accessed by by contacting

This support consists of:

  • campaign planning
  • researching the current banking of the target organisation
  • suggestions of what banks they could move to
  • connecting them up with similar orgs that are also considering bank switching
  • training for LGs in how to run presentations about banks and how to negotiate with decision-makers
  • campaign planning (actions/petitions etc)

A WhatsApp community for people interested in getting organisations to switch banks - with little sub-group chats, e.g. Bank & Local Government, Banks & Universities, etc. The link to the umbrella community is here

Recording of Tipping Point's How To Bankrupt A Fossil Bank training in January 2024, delivered in collaboration with Switch It Green:

Report on Barclays
Detail what's wrong with the new Barclays energy policy