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Background and Aims

Campaign Overview

Our political system is broken. Democracy does not deliver power to the people. The majority of decisions made on the benches in the House of Commons or in MP’s chambers are dictated and determined by the holders of the wealth in our economic system.

From the Head of State to the civil service, the priority is to present a positive image of strength and union when the reality is our society is crumbling. From the cost of living to the difficulty of getting to see a doctor, from the state of social housing to supporting nations committing genocide, the unrepresentative, immoral and biased actions of our political system need addressing, particularly in the face of our changing climate.

Extinction Rebellion will demand a democratic upgrade in a location where multiple parts of our failing system intersect and where our message will powerfully resonate, holding our leaders to account for their apathy with regard to the worsening state of our environment. Together, we are going to target the pillars that aim to hold up the inequalities embedded in the system.

It'Upgrade Decocracy' will be a weekend of activities and actions aimed at highlighting the need for change in the unbalanced, unrepresentative and unfair systems of government in this country.