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Training and Open Calls

Open Call

All the latest info to help you prepare for the mass occupation.
Watch the Open Call here on YouTube which covers:

  • Why XRUK is going to Windsor
  • What the action is going to look like
  • How to get involved

Citizens' Assembly

Why deliberative democracy? Find out about XR's demand for a Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.
Watch the recording of the talk on YouTube.

Volunteer Roles Fayre

Watch the recording of the roles fayre, with explanations of all the roles.

Creative Ideas Workshops

Come along to this friendly and informal space hosted by the Creative Community to throw around creative ideas, get advice and support each others plans for fUNFAIR games and any other creative designs for Upgrade Democracy.

Please come and join us and bring your local group members. We are here to support you with your ideas!