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726 total results found

How to find events using the Calendar

Other Online Tech Tools Movement Calendar and Events Map

Click here to access the calendar on TeamUp. You can view it either in a browser, or in the TeamUp App on a mobile device. Below is a summary of the basic uses of the tool. For a full guide, see the TeamUp documentation Event Summary Hover your mouse pointer...

Adding Calendar Events - Submit a Form

Other Online Tech Tools Movement Calendar and Events Map

You can submit entries to the Movement Calendar here Alternatively, you can request that the information is added by your area’s calendar admin (this may be your Regional Gardener, M&M Coordinator or someone nominated from your group or community). Visit the l...

Adding Calendar Events - Calendar Editor

Other Online Tech Tools Movement Calendar and Events Map

Adding Calendar Events - Directly in TeamUp If you only rarely add events to the calendar, it is probably easiest to just complete the calendar form. If you regularly add events for your group/team/community then you will be assigned a private edit link for th...

Sharing Events, Calendars or Maps

Other Online Tech Tools Movement Calendar and Events Map

Sharing an Event from the Calendar From within an event details window, click 'Share' and then 'As Page'. This will give you a webpage with all the event details on. Sharing More of the Calendar This is a useful feature if you want to share a pre-filtered ver...

How to find events near you using the Map

Other Online Tech Tools Movement Calendar and Events Map

The events map shows events across the whole UK. It's helpful to bookmark this on your phone for use during Outreach. Finding Events On a mobile device click the down arrow to see search options On a desktop or mobile device click the down arrow again to see ...

Getting started on Zoom and troubleshooting

Other Online Tech Tools Zoom

Helpful YouTube videos on all things Zoom! For accessing and using on your computer For accessing and using on phone Tech support direct from Zoom Zoom's technical support pages will always give you the most up-to-date information. If you need to learn t...

The Right to Protest vs. the Role of the Police

Action Support Protest Liaison

Whilst there is no specific ‘right to protest’ in law, everyone does have the right to peacefully protest. This right is enshrined in the rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly and association, whi...

Communicating with the police

Action Support Protest Liaison

It is acknowledged and understood that the issue of talking to the police at all is a sensitive one, not least because of the findings in many reports (e.g. The Casey Review) that police forces are institutionally racist and misogynistic. It is recognised that...

Becoming an XR Protest Liaison - what does the role require?

Action Support Protest Liaison

The role of Protest Liaison is usually performed by an experienced rebel who has undergone the relevant training. The qualities needed are as follows: Embodies non-violence, calm, non-threatening Confident communicator with authority figures and rebels alike ...

Air Pollution

Themes for Actions

Resources for Air Pollution themed actions Graphics info and designs for making these signs like the one below Flyers to edit and print These flyers are in photoshop format - so you can add your own Local Group info. If you require support in editing these, ...

The Actions Community - Get help and advice

Action Planning First things first

Don't panic! You have reached this page because you want to drive change through action - the very essence of Extinction Rebellion. You might have an idea and want help to make it a reality, or you might be looking for pre-packaged 'flat pack' action plans. T...

Initial action design

Action Planning Planning the action

Outcome, audience, message, tactics, plan. So you have an idea for an action or you picked one up from Design Ideas for Actions or the Action Themes. And hopefully you’ve got a few friends to start planning with. You’ll want to start by agreeing some core elem...

Burner Phones

Participating in Actions

When on any action with a risk of arrest, DO NOT take your regular phone. This is because the police can (and will) seize the phones of most people arrested, and as well as ending up with no phone, if the security on the phone is not super tight, they can copy...

Logistics and scheduling

Action Planning Planning the action

Timeline Do a full detailed timeline of the action- eg. from van drop off to debrief. Do this early as it gives people a really good idea of what the action will be like. And then revise it as you go. Work out where really precise timings are needed and where ...

Dealing with police and security

Action Planning On the day

The Protest Liaison and De-escalation roles helps keep police and other authority or security figures calm, remind them of our nonviolence, and helps keep them occupied rather than information gathering on all the activists or organisers present. Civil-disobe...

Welcome to XR

The Essentials

Hello and Welcome! You may have been motivated to join us because you've decided that you must take action now. Or maybe you want to find out more before becoming involved. Still, we know that taking that first step can be a challenge. Thank you for being here...

Messaging Dos and Don'ts

Citizens' Assemblies Tips for talking about Citizens' Assemb...

Do's and don'ts for talking about citizens' assemblies Based on research done for a number of democracy organisations including XR. You can find more detail in Reforming the political system - A Messaging Guide Do say: "Politics" / "political system" Don't sa...

Common misunderstandings

Citizens' Assemblies Tips for talking about Citizens' Assemb...

Important messaging points to get right Do say: UK-wide citizens' assembly Don't say : National citizens' assembly Only the United Kingdom government can pass laws on the scale neeeded to address the crisis. The CA must include all 4 nations - Wales, Northern...

Avoid jargon

Citizens' Assemblies Tips for talking about Citizens' Assemb...

Use simple, positive language Do say: Selected like a jury and then sorted to reflect the population Don't say: Sortition/stratified sampling Do say: A group of people that reflects the diversity of our society Don't say : Demographically representative Do ...

Tidying up - physically and virtually

Action Planning After an action

Physical cleaning We work hard to minimise the environmental impact of our physical actions. This includes tidying up the site at the end. We are all crew. The packing up should not be left to those who have worked the hardest during the day. Encourage others...