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12 total results found
06. Creative Arts
Art, Design, Music and Performance. The heart of XR is colourful and engaging arts. XR Art and Creative groups range from Design, Art Blockers, Paint The Streets to Theatre, 3D Makers, Red Rebel Brigade and more!
07. Media and Messaging
One stop shop for all your Media, Messaging and Communications needs.
02. Group Building
Build a healthy, resilient, empowering and enjoyable Local Group, Community Group, Affinity Group etc.
04. Actions
Everything to help you plan and execute your own action (before, during and after). Information on attending an action as a participant, volunteering in an Action Support role and arrestee and legal support guidance. Also included are many examples of desi...
10. Tech and Data
Support guides and information for using XR's online platforms, and other online tech tools that you are likely to use within XR.
01. Welcome to XR
Begin your journey from couch to rebel!
08. Outreach and Integration
Growing our movement from initial contact to involvement in supporting to taking part in NVDA
05. Talks and Training
Talks, training and workshops [TTW] are vital to a new joiner's engagement with XR and their understanding of the movement. Talks can engage and inspire whilst training and workshops can familiarise and prepare. They can give you time to develop stronger ti...
11. XRUK Circles Resources
This shelf has some publicly available books. It is also available for teams to store books with specialised information which will only be viewable when a user logs in to the Rebel Toolkit with a Hub login.
09. Access and Inclusion
Guidance on including marginalised groups in all areas of XR. Also info on mental health support available.
12. Archive
Open Calls and older resources and info from actions packs etc which could be useful to refer to, reflect upon, reuse, recycle!