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The Three Pillars of Community Assemblies
The three pillars of Community Assemblies which support supportive and empathetic interactions are radical inclusivity, active listening and trust. A Community Assembly differs from a debate where one person is ‘right’ and the other is ‘wrong’, or from a typic...
Creating a Team
“I can’t change the world on my own, it’ll take at least three of us.” - Bill Mollison Below, we have listed a few working groups that may help you get a community assembly off the ground. They constitute best practice, not a minimum requirement. Your local g...
Connecting with the Community and Allies
Relevant teams: Alliance Building, Outreach and Integration Before you attempt to bring a community together in Assembly, you need to actually familiarise yourself with that community. This will help you to select an assembly question that matters to the peopl...
Assembly Framing, Scope and Topic
Relevant teams: Your local group and ally organisations The exact framing and scope for the assembly need to be agreed upon before any promotional work can occur. The destination and legitimacy of the results of the assembly should be discussed and decided upo...
Assembly Planning
Choose the venue Assemblies are usually held in public spaces like town squares or outside prominent places like a city or town hall. They are designed to be as open as possible so that members of the public can easily join in. They are also held in community...