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Optimal layout tips for phones

ThisSending advicetest emails to yourself and reading them on your phone, is basedthe best way to experience how a large proportion of your readership will be viewing your email.

Things to consider:

  • Emails look WAY longer on a singlephone, especially if people have smaller phone screens, or the font sizes set to larger sizes.
  • Make your main CTA (your call to actionaction) email.


    Thisup isin anyour email, ideally the first link in your email you- areso sendingpeople outaren't withscrolling to get to the clearbutton purposeor tomain invitelink theyou reader to...

    • attend an event
    • donate to a fundraiser
    • leadwant them to anclick Action Network form (for example to complete a survey)
    • lead them to a webpage with more detailed contenton.

    Basically the main mission for the email is to make them understand the topic/event/requirement in as few words as possible and then click through to something else.

    Here is an example of what an email based on a single call to action:

    First draft looked like this...



    But the 'call to action' button is not visibleviewing on a phone without- scrolling.


    Sothe afterinformation makingis avisible fewas editssoon includingas reducingyou aopen fewthe fontemail. sizes,This removingis adone gapby betweenkeeping 1stthe word count low and second line, shortening the maintop title in red so it didn't wrap. Reducing theimage height of the image and also adding to bold text to allow the skim reader to go from image to bold text to button and still understand what they are clicking on...

    Final verson was thissmall.
