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Postcode searches

Regex for postcode searches

Example of how to pick up postcodes in a report
zipcode = (NG1|NG2|NG3|NG4)(\s?...)?

this would pick up NG1 1XX and NG11XX and NG1, but it would avoid mistakes like picking up NG11 1XX which is what would happen if you just used NG1%

Adding postcode searches of UK list to Local Groups

You could just create a report include the postcodes and exclude the LG list, then use mass operations to add everyone to the LG list - but this will resubscribe people who had previously unsubscribed.

So the way to do it extra carefully is to use a tag and ladder.

Create a temporary tag at UK level


Update the ladder

Postcode search subscribe to a LG list from UK

  • change the tigger to the new tag
  • change the list that you want them to be subscribed to and DON'T tick the resubscribe box

Run the report

Pick up the postcodes you require using the RegEx above and excluding people already subscribed to the list... then use mass operations to add the tag.
The tag should trigger the ladder and subscribe the ones that haven't previously unsubscribed.

You should see new subscribers appear on the LG list - but usually a few less than targetted (because of avoiding ones who have previously unsubscribed)

Check they've been added

Go to the local group list and check they've been added (might take a little bit of time to show up)

Refresh your report at UK level - you should be left with the people that met the postcode critera, but had already been on that LG list - so weren't resubscribed.

Delete the tag

Put the ladder back to sleep until next time!

change from this...

to this...

and extra safe do this...