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Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp join links

The very best thing to do to avoid glitches as described below is ALWAYS send yourself test emails before sending to a whole email list. Be sure to read your test emails on both a computer AND a phone. Click on every link in your email to check it's working.

Glitch alert. It has been noted that Telegram invite links (ones with + signs in them, not the public ones like Rebellion Broadcast, they are fine) don't work when reading an email on a phone.

My current work-around (which goes against advice about shortlinks!) is to turn the Telegram join link in to an short link, before then hyperlinking it in an email. e.g. Rebel Ringers Broadcast : Short link used in email : Short links can be created here

Fix for signal join links not working is to add ?no_rewrite=true to the end or the URL - which stops the Action Network tracking link and seems to help.

No know issues.