Why use Action Network?
Why would a group choose to use XR's Action Network account, rather than alternatives such as Mailchimp?
It's a network - when signing up for a local group email list, people are also subscribed to their
regions/region/nation and to theUKXRUK email list. They will therefore be informed of campaigns and activities locally, regionally and nationally. More detail of the structure of all the lists here. -
This means
localnewgroupLocal Group sign ups add to the total on the UKlistlist.whichThis is critical for both mobilisation for big actions (e.g. The Big One), for awareness of ongoing campaigns, for training and also for fundraising. -
SecureSecurity - all admins have their own account, so you don't have to share passwords. If someone leaves the movement, their admin access can be removed without having to change shared passwords. -
You'llYounevercanlosehaveaccessmultipletoAdmins for yourmailingemaillist e.g. if the person who set it up leaves XR.list. -
Support and training is
available from the Action Network Data Team and in the Action Network Admins Mattermost channelavailable. -
GDPR compliant
-andifanyonesomeonereceivingwantsandtoemail and unsubscribeorathaveanytheir data deleted, we can do that in one place, rather than across multiple systems.time.
In common with other mailing list systems, the data is stored on servers that we do not control, and that could be accessed by law enforcement authorities. For this reason, you should never store "spicy" information - such as
sign-upsdata showing intention to take part or to organise arrestableactions - on Action Network.actions. -
getbecomeaccessanto this list and use itAdmin takes a bit of training, which can be a barrier to somelocalLocalgroupsGroups without someone with the time and skills (or determination!) to learn. But we have a very friendly training team who are happy to teach in 1-1 session and go at the pace that suits each individual.