Shown below are all the known pages in the system that link to this item.
Communicating with your Group
Internal Comms
To be successful, you need great lines of communication with your group and supporters. You shoul...
Messaging Apps Overview
Internal Comms
Messaging Apps: Choosing an App
If you want to create a group chat for your XR group, there are loads of different options and ma...
Security and Discoverability
Internal Comms
Messaging Apps: Choosing an App
Why does security matter? Given the types of actions XR does, it is essential that the authoritie...
Recruiting and coordinating your team
Action Planning
Planning the action
Now that you have your initial action design in place, you can work out what roles need to be fil...
How to do messaging and media for an action
M&M Get Started
This page contains detailed advice on planning the messaging and public media for an action, incl...
Keeping group chats as secure as possible
Internal Comms
Messaging Apps: Administrating & Modera...
Larger chats such as Local Group chats, cannot be practically kept completely secure, because you...