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Extra Learning Resources About Assemblies

More Resources

To learn more about assemblies happening all round the world, the XR Local Group Support Pack contains a list of website and video links to grassroots organisations doing deliberative democracy in their way... It's truly inspirational... Here's a taster:

Podcast: Power of Community Imagination

Sortition Foundation. Their proposal for a House of Citizens is supported by Extinction Rebellion

UK Parliament Debate

Another Deliberative Democracy manual

Los Indignados Assemblies in Spain:

XR Community Alliance Building Trainings (Relationships Circle on YouTube):

Case study blogs describing local deliberative democracy: TakeTheSquare.netdemocracy

Alternative models of deliberation: Open Space Technology: OR Goldfish Bowl Meetings:

Why Extinction Rebellion Demands A Citizens' Assembly On Climate And Ecological Justice; explanatory video

Zero Hour - the Climate and Ecology Bill

Ireland's children's assembly on biodiversity calls on Ireland to 'treat the Earth like family'

Video on Cheshire East People’s Panel on the Cost of Living with Positive Money: Cheshire East People's Panel on the Cost of Living:

David Attenborough has inspired the UK to create a People's Plan for Nature. Here's what you need to know (World Economic Forum)

Luxembourg 'step up' green energy and efficiency targets partly due to citizens' assembly (Euro News)

Citizen's Assemblies

XR’s Citizens’ Assembly website Page with FAQs:

Street Scripts on Citizen’s Assemblies:

Further Training

For Facilitation Training, the Facilitation Circle holds regular, in depth trainings.
These can be adapted to different settings, including Assemblies. You can contact the Facilitation Circle at with any questions.

Trust the People; 8 weeks and free, twice per year from the experts in building deliberative democracy:

Hope For The Future:Talking to Politicians whom you may invite to your assembly: