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How to navigate the Dirty Water book

Dip your toe

Have a paddle

Have a swim
Deep dive
Wave 6 is progressive using ‘Water Levels’ - toe-dipper, paddle, swim, deep dive. There’s a sequence from new/existing actions through to our objective - a Citizens’ Assembly on Water.
Wave 6 is focused on building communities around water to take action on raising awareness, engaging the public, growing local groups, building allies, increasing knowledge and understanding. Demonstrating agency - peoples’ voices can and will be heard.
Blue Plaques for Nature - used pre-RNN to promote the march and then after RNN for sign-up to local groups, raising awareness, informing about the ecology of your local waterway, take action e.g. join a Ceremony. Cancel for Clean Water - cancel your DD Digital - Google Review Swarm and eight do-it-at-home actions [more time-consuming digital actions could be at Swim level.]
Fishy Business - think of the Orange mobile network launch campaign - stenciled yellow fish appearing everywhere/randomly or in concentrated areas. Used to pre-promote an action or for outreach.
Don’t Pay for Dirty Water - ongoing campaign
Deep Dive:
Ceremony | Water is Life - could be a simple toe-dipper [sound bowl or poem read by yourself] to a full deep dive community-led, local authority involvement performance based Ceremony. Community Assemblies’ - conclusions will inform and shape the nature of the Cit Ass. Citizens’ Assembly on Water