Extra Markdown Hints
Markdown is used to make headings, bold, bulleted lists etc on the Rebel Toolkit pages.
This page contains tips for formatting your pages.
For basic instructions on using Markdown, we recommend The Markdown Guide or search online for Markdown. Here is a fairly comprehensive set of basic Markdown syntax. If you are looking for more detail, here are some links to tools to make editing easier.
In addition to classic Markdown, BookStack supports the Markdown Extra extensions, see https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/. This provides a number of extra facilities in addition to the original Markdown, in particular support for tables. Here is a quick example of how to insert a table.
| Item | Value |
| --------- | -----:|
| Computer | $1600 |
| Phone | $12 |
| Pipe | $1 |
This renders as:
Item | Value |
Computer | $1600 |
Phone | $12 |
Pipe | $1 |
Link on an Image
To put a link on an image, so that you can click on the image to go to another page, just use some image markup instead of plain text as the link text in square brackets [](my-destination-page.htm)
For example, this [](/books/engaging-our-rebels/page/rebel-ringing)
renders as:
Floating images to right or left

<img src="/uploads/images/gallery/2020-08/thumbs-150-150/RebelRingers.png" alt="Rebel Ringers video" class="align-right">
Horizontal Rules in Dark Mode
Horizontal rules like this:
don't show up in BookStack Dark Mode. There is a link to turn Dark Mode on and off near the top of the sidebar or Info panel on the home page. This is a mistake in the BookStack default style sheet in Dark Mode where the horizontal rule is dark grey (#222) on a dark grey background.
You can add comments to be seen by subsequent editors of the page, but which will not appear on the final rendered page after the Markdown processing. There is no explicit mechanism for comments in Markdown, but we can make use of the reference-style link syntax like this:
[Comment]: # (you can put any message for editors here.
It can span more than one line)
Not to be confused with the BookStack comment facility, which is turned off.