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Regular Action

We know that it takes regular action to shift insurers. You don’t always have to be on the streets, there are a range of tactics you can use to do this.

Warning Shot

All campaigns start by giving a target an opportunity to do the right thing before the campaign begins. The easiest way of doing this is to send the target a warning shot email. We also want to let them know that they have a week to respond, or we’ll assume that they are working with Total, and will launch a campaign on them.

Here is a list of email addresses for the CEOs different insurers.

Here is a letter template that you can use as a starting point.

Regular Leafleting and Conversations

Another way to engage staff is to hold regular leafleting actions outside their office. Pick your target here

Some groups have received verbal commitments from insurers this way. If you do, make sure you ask them to send it to you in writing.