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Messaging Apps Overview

If you want to create a group chat for your XR group, there are loads of different options and making the right choice can be difficult.

In this document, we will compare the four apps most commonly used by XR groups. There is an overview on this page, and much more detail in subsequent pages of this chapter.

Ultimately which tool you decide to go with comes down to what you and the other people in your group are comfortable with. Our recommendations can be summarised as:

If your group...

  • ...organises lots of different things at once, use Mattermost. The extra features and discoverability should really help to make your group more productive.

  • ...organises a lot of actions, use Mattermost combined with Signal for the added security. Also don't forget to enable disappearing messages.

Where possible please use existing chats rather than creating more new ones. Let’s work together to prevent information overwhelm.

Consider one closed group chat for organising actions (usually a temporary group on Signal or private Mattermost channel) and one open chat for participation (usually on Telegram or a public Mattermost channel)



WhatsApp is widely used by people outside of XR

Butbut it is not secure and is limited in its functionalities so M&M doesis not advise using itgreat for organising. It also doesn’t sync up with MattermostMattermost.


More otherdetail XR broadcasts. Detailhere....


Telegram is used by XR UK for broadcastsXRUK's broadcast channels

It’s an encrypted messaging service similar to WhatsApp but with greaterlots flexibility andof features. You can edit and pin messages, see the chat history,history after you join a channel, locate mediamedia, and each chat can hold a large number of people. It’s also accessible on nearly any device. A limit on message word count can impact broadcast posts.

DetailMore detail here....

Telegram is similar to WhatsApp but with greater flexibility and features.


Mattermost is XR’s main messaging app for working groupsgroups.

It functions on its own serverserver, making it particularly secure. It is accessible on any device and has tons of flexible features and ways of storing and searching for information.

The drawback is that it can be overwhelming in layout and content and requires time to master.get to grips with it. It’s more similar to Slackpopular workplace messaging systems like Slack, Discord, or Discord.Microsoft Teams chat.

DetailMore detail here....


Signal is widely used by action planning groups

and organisers. It’s the most secure encrypted chat,chat with a disappearing message function. It’s also visually clean and crisp.

However, it’s not possible to pin or thread messages or edit your messages after 15 minutes, making it less useful for mass communications.

DetailMore detail here....

Summary Table

Whats­App Telegram Matter­most Signal