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General and Event Specific Flyers

Ready to print flyers for themes, actions and general climate and ecological messaging.

Please don't use the images on this page to print, make sure you download the print-quality version.

Rebel for Truth

These are the current generic outreach flyers. They are undated and so will be able to be used whenever you need them.

You can order them to be delivered directly to your group here, or you can print your own by downloading them from this link, including Welsh versions.

rebel for truth flyer.PNG

Conflict and Climate

Increasingly, groups are wanting to talk about the links between conflict and the climate crisis, but explaining these connections to people can be difficult. Our War and Peace messaging guidance has been designed to help with that.

If you are doing an XR action linked to current conflicts, or are running a stall at an event (a Palestine fundraiser, for example), you may wish to use these flyers to help explain why you are there, and why conflict and climate change are 2 sides of the same problem.

Files for printhing this flyer:
Conflict & Climate flyer for home printing
Conflict & Climate Flyer for professional printing


Promote Citizens' Assemblies

Download this flyer to promote Citizens' Assemblies here.

Ca flyer both sides.PNG

Global Justice Now

Find the Global Justice flyers here

GJ flyers.PNG

Social Justice = Climate Justice

Find the Social Justice flyers here

flyer sj.PNG

Old but timeless!

Find the classic Non Violent flyer here

Yellow logo Rebel flyer

Themed Flyers

Upgrade Democracy

Click here to obtain print quality flyer

Dirty Water

Insure Our Future

Insure Our Future flyers can be found here.

Air Pollution

Air Pollution flyers for LGs can be found here