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What is Paint The Streets?

What is Paint the Streets?

What is Paint the Streets?

Paint the Streets is an ongoing creative campaign, raisingbreaking social norms to raise awareness about the climate & ecological emergencyemergency. throughPaint the Streets includes murals, stickering, flyposting, stencilling, chalking, banner drop actions and subvertising bus stops and billboards.

Get involved with a UK-wide campaign or launch your own local campaign around local climate issues. Join the:here:
To view these guidelines in one rolling doc: Paint The Streets Info Pack.

What are the aims of Paint the Streets?


    The Streets creative actions use images to tell
  • Tell the truth about climate breakdown,and ecological collapse,breakdown and the injustice of our toxic systemsystems and failing governmentsgovernment
  • Create an action pathway and build confidence for new Rebels

  • Move hearts and minds

    • Grow the movement through organic, creative, decentralised participation

    • Remind the world politics is failing but there are solutions and hope.

    • Break the media echo chamber by reaching new audiences

    • Mystify, inspire, shock, bring hope and love to people

    • Have fun!

    Why is Paint the Streets great for outreach and mobilisation?

    The actions give rebels a taste of non-violent direct action, helping to build confidence and encouraging affinity groups to form.

    Paint the Streets actions are often relatively quick to carry out, and simple to join in; they are great for rebels who would like to be involved but don’t have lots of spare time.

    By bringing inspiring and thought-provoking messaging in public spaces, we can reach a wider audience to highlight important climate issues and campaigns, as well as calls to action (and then spread them even further through sharing these images across social media).

    Who can take part?

    Anyone in XR! This is an inclusive campaign and we welcome all rebels.

    There are creative actions for everyone from flyposting and making stencils to mural painting, creating street sculptures to folding origami offerings. For rebels to take part we ask that you are mindful of our core principlesPrinciples & Values and demandsDemands as well as strategy guidance.


    What Campaigns
    TheseI do?
    • Paint The Symbol everywhere!
    • Make stencils for posters and painting with Spray-chalk or emulsion paint
    • Sticker up your walks or on your bins
    • Print out window posters or make your own window art
    • Flyposting
    • Brandalism and subvertising: replacing bus stop posters with your own work or repurposing an existing advert to change the message, postering billboards, replacing adverts on train carriages.
    • Give posters to friends, shops, community centres etc to put up in their windows as effective outreach
    • Train Talks - stand on public transport and speak the truth to fellow passengers wearing badges and patches, for more information check out their Train Talks Telegram group
    • Banner drops - there are agreed with Action Circle and sharedfrequent UK-wide banner drop actions, or create your own for a local climate issue
    • Murals - create beautiful art with a climate based message on thea Telegramwall/building chat(if andyou Rebellionhave Broadcast.permission Theto coordinationdo teamso)
    • takes
    • intoAnd considerationmuch strategy,more! messaging,
    • budget,
    capacity and builds campaigns towards key dates/themes.