Developing Talks, Training & Workshops
So you’ve got an idea for a training? This page will help you put it into practice. Use the linked section titles to take you to the relevant section of our Full Handbook on Developing Training.
Step 1: Capture your vision
The most important thing you can do to start off is to be clear about who you want to train and what you want them to be able to do.
You need to decide- At the end of the training (who)..... should be able to (do what)...
Think about how you will deliver it, how long it should last and who you will work with. Then stop and think and make sure that all your decisions embed XR's Principles and Values and XR’s Principles of Inclusivity
Find more detailed instructions on this step in the full guide.
Step 2: Realise your vision
Structure your training in blocks building progressively towards your overall aim (which you decided above). Your final content block should allow rebels to practice this.
- For each block of content, decide what you want rebels to learn and how you want them to learn it.
- Focus on activities encouraging rebels to learn through doing (examples here).
- Keep it social - it’s more fun, people learn better with others, it builds community.
- Most rebels know quite a lot already so give them opportunities to share.
- Think of what extra resources your rebels might need to support them (examples here).
- If all else fails include a talk - but keep it short (<10 mins).
- Focus on feedback - Think about how your rebels will know how well they are developing knowledge and skills. Plan activities that allow you to give them feedback or, even better, to give each other feedback. Offer periods when they can reflect on their own progress.
Find more detailed instructions on this step in the full guide.
Step 3: Share your vision
How are you going to advertise to let people know about your wonderful new training?
To post your events to the XRUK website Events, Talks & Training Facebook Events, XRUK Facebook Events, Movement Broadcast on Telegram and Mattermost and the Regions & Nations Facebook Events, follow these steps:
- For UK-wide promotion- fill in the Comms Request Form
- Advertise more locally through a variety of social media platforms or physically with posters and adverts in relevant publications. Use your imagination.
- Chat to your Regional Coordinator for more local advice. Your Region or Nation may have a Training Co-ordinator that you can be connected with.
- Contact your local groups.
- Use your imagination.
XR UK aims to bring two million people into active support. That’s too many for you to train alone! Once you know your training is successful, think about how you can [train other trainers]( PeY8/edit#heading=h.1ksv4uv) to deliver it as well.
Find more detailed instructions on this step in the full guide.
Step 4: Refine your vision
No training is perfect. Ask yourself these questions:
- How well is your training achieving its aim?
- Are there ways you could do this better?
Better still, ask the rebels who’ve participated in the training. Offer them a specific time within the training to fill in an evaluation form. Don’t pay too much attention to individual comments (there’ll always be someone with a bee in their bonnet), but look for patterns and themes. Strengthen areas that rebels have appreciated and make changes which they’ve found less useful. Don’t be proud - make things better.
Find more detailed instructions on this step in the full guide.