Shown below are all the known pages in the system that link to this item.
Intro to XR
Jargon is useful shorthand within a group but we know it can be unhelpful to new joiners so we ha...
Recruiting and coordinating your team
Action Planning
Planning the action
Now that you have your initial action design in place, you can work out what roles need to be fil...
Camping and Accommodation
Upgrade Democracy
This event has passed - here is a summary page to collate the Feedback and Learning Campsite lo...
Decision Making Processes
XR UK Ways of Working and Constitution
Constitution resources
[Note: this guidance is referred to by Section C.7 of the XR UK Constitution.] This page includes...
Direct Action
Insure Our Survival
Take Action - ongoing
If outreach isn’t leading to a commitment from an insurer, it’s time to turn up the heat. There ...
Daily Action Plans
Insure Our Survival
IOS Week of Action
We follow the 'Rebel Agreement' to guide us whilst taking nonviolent direct action. Watch the XRU...