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Content for livestreaming - What to show?

Capture the action: banners, show number of people, try different points of view of the action if possible (but move slowly to avoid having a shaky image).

If you are filming speeches, go to the front to film.

Avoid filming the public faces (go behind them if possible).

Watch out for the drummers (if they are here): they are loud! So stay clear of them if possible. It's almost impossible to live stream (or at least record an interview) while they're playing because the sound is going to be awful (unless they are far away).

Make sure you know in advance if they are going to be here and what time. You can coordinate your livestream with the band so they start once you're done (eg if you're planning a 30 minutes live stream, tell them, and maybe you can conclude your livestream by "That's all from us here for now, we will end this livestream by listening to a bit of music" and film the drummers for a few minutes before ending the livestream).