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Welcome and Onboarding steps

You have an applicant! What next?

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  1. Welcome & Onboarding Your New Volunteer ~ Flowchart [no links].jpg

    Text version of flowchart

    1. Acknowledge
  • Send a message ASAP - preferably within 24hrs
  • Tell the applicant when and how you will be in touch
  1. Security check (for sensitive roles)
  • Are they vouched for by someone known?
  1. Call
  • A friendly phone call is best - you get a better idea of the person
  • Ask them about themselves - start to build trust
  • Explain the role
  • Can they make your meetings?
  • What are their skills?
  • Do they have access needs and can they be accommodated?
  • For sensitive roles, request social media names for background checks
  1. Decide
  • Skip
    to YES OR NO
  • YES

    1. Let them know and send some simple info
    1. Meet
    • Welcome them warmly and thank them as they join the meeting
    • Deep check-ins: explain who you all are, your roles and some info about your life outside of XR
    • Invite them to introduce themselves
    • Explain hand signals
    • Avoid jargon / acronyms. Encourage them to ask for clarifications
    1. Debrief
    • Stay on to answer questions (or arrange a later time)
    • Reassure them that it will take time but that there’s plenty of support
    • Do they still want to join the team? If Yes continue with the steps, or go to No
    1. Data security
    1. Welcome pack
    1. Add to team comms channels
    1. Starter task
    • Something simple to complete before you next meet
    • If taking on an EC / IC role, begin shadowing
    1. Ongoing care
    • Create a debrief schedule based on their needs
    • If interested, invite them to a parent circle meeting

    Congratulations - you have a new team member!


    Let them know

    • Arrange a time to phone; inform them gently
    • Reassure them that they’re valued and there’s a place for them in XR
    • Ask if they’d like feedback and if they say yes, be kind and honest

    Signpost to other options to find another role