Pathway to Rebellion
UK Open call on Sunday 11th Feb 19:00-20:00
Bring a friend!! Register Here!
This actions strategy was produced by the UK Actions Circle to support the wider XRUK Movement Strategy. They really want to support Rebels in Local Groups and to bring more people into Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA).
This is XR’s main purpose, as we believe that large scale, sustained NVDA is the most effective way to create pressure for the changes we need. And we know that actions breed actions; people seeing XR taking action brings more people into our movement.
Video released at the start of 2024 to kick start this new phase
Mini Rebellions
Support for Local Groups to bring more people into Nonviolent Direct Actionaction (NVDA)- large scale, sustained NVDA is the most effective way to push for the changes we needWidely publicised targeted focusssed'mini-rebellions'- starting withlike Insure ourFuturesFuture) where we come together and feel good! They will be accessible, inclusive, creative and powerful. Probably around every 3 months and not always in London!If you’re already doing great stuff - keep going!
Groupscampaignsstillarefocussingfantasticonforlocalengagingissues,yourespeciallycommunity,whenbuildingthese can bring in alliancesrelationships with othergroupsgroups/organisations and breaking down the barriers for people to take action.If your group already has a winning local campaign going (e.
g.g Farnborough Airport Action), then - please keep going with that!
themesThemesIf you are looking for new inspiration - there will also be ‘umbrella messaging’ themes announced soon, which should allow your action to fit in with everything else which is going on so it can be showcased and amplified.
Recent anti-protest legislation
This is no doubt putting some people off - the answer? Creative, fun, humorous and inclusive actions - which is exactly what XR is great at! ‘Laughtervism’ can be very effective, even in the most oppressive contexts. Check out this Tedx talk for
localAssembliesfocus orWe want
additionaltoideas,communicate more about them - to create word recognition around CAs. Just having the words ‘Citizens’ Assemblies’ and phrases like ‘Let the People Decide’ at every action helps get thesewillconversations started.General Election
We should be
supportedcarefulbynotUKtoactionsgetteam.too - fixated on the election. We should be sticking to our system change agenda and our 3rd Demand - not patching up an electoral system which won’t/can’t deliver.
Keep making a splash
withWith Paint the Streets
,activities - this can be exciting first step for new rebels CreativePresentation
actionsSlidedrawfor this phaseMore detail in
morethispeople,presentationmore people means more actions!Growingof therecognitionnew phase ofCitizens'theAssembliesActionby adding to our actions, as placards, in speeches, or when talking to pressStrategy