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770 total results found
Healthy Teams Workshop
This workshop is designed to be used as a tool by any team that wants to run a health check on the way their team is functioning. It focusses on both task and maintenance. Task means getting stuff done. Do you achieve your goals? Maintenance means how you get ...
Cover the Capital - Oct 2022
Hey everyone! We’ve collated all the designs used in Cover the Capital from October 2022: 🔹Designs drive with all the resources you need (Tube Ads, Bus Stops, Billboards and assets to create your own designs!) 🔹Printing guidelines and advice 🔹London Undergroun...
CorpRats are a pantomime mirror designed to reflect the ugliness and cruelty of putting profit over planet back onto the those who chase money at the expense of a sustainable planet, over the health of people, over the health of ecosystems. The CorpRats are p...
PDF version for downloading and printing here. With thanks to Suffolk, whose MP is Therese Coffey, but you can insert your own/relevant MP surname/water authority/organisation… To the tune of ‘My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean’ (soundcloud link here) The sewage fl...
Poo Themed actions!
Poo Pouring A short video of a poo-pouring action from Wave 1. Rogers Poo Recipe! Make some porridge, as you would for breakfast but thinner and more watery. Then thickened it up by adding white flour (in cold water) and boiling again till the right consiste...
Dirty Water Scrubbers
This style theatrical action idea was developed for dirty banks. Your local issue around water pollution may have a target suitable for a visit from Dirty Water Scrubbers, maybe with the addition of water pollution themed props. Here's the basics Dirty Scrubbe...
Information Resources | Reports, Maps, Data & More
Maps Please be aware that data catchment and sharing is still evolving. We have been made aware of specific sites, including some which have resulted in death, from contaminated flood water. If you are aware of sites which are missing from this data, please g...
Banner Drop
Get advice from experienced rebels about banner drops: Join the Banner Drop Telegram group here Choosing the right location for your banner drop When selecting the location where you will organize the banner drop, try to find a place that is: Visible Accessi...
Survey Boards
Survey boards are a great outreach method and have proved to be really effective and fun to use. Rebels have said that the boards can be an easy method to initiate conversations as people are curious about the boards and approach your stall more readily. We ha...
Accessible Documents
Readable fonts Use sans serif fonts, such as Karla as letters can appear less crowded. Alternatives include Ariel, Verdana, Tahoma, Century Gothic, Trebuchet, Calibri, Open Sans. Font size should be 12-14 point or equivalent (e.g. 1-1.2em / 16-19 px). Some dy...
How to do a recce
Recce is another term for reconnaissance. At its most basic reconnaissance is preliminary surveying or research. We try and avoid the term “reconnaissance” due to its military association. Recce is much softer and almost sounds FUN! (rec-reational!) The succes...
The Big One (5 Mar)
Slides and recording Here are the slides from the Open Call on March 5th and also you an watch the recording on YouTube
Guidance for Street Speakers
Select this link for the Street Speakers' Guidance (OnlyOffice). You'll be able to download it and open it in Word or use the Google version if you prefer. The guidance covers as many options as possible however if you feel something is missing or have useful ...
Train the Trainer (to train Street Speakers)
Watch on Youtube here - video guide (39mins)
Train the Street Speakers
This guide contains everything you need to train Street Speakers Guidance Notes and Script for Training the Speaker - Google doc version (view only)- Make a copy if you want to edit your own version.
How to Guides
Create Recurring Registration Zoom Links | Send Reminder Emails | Publicise Your Events Video Guide [11mins] showing how to: Create one Zoom registration link for multiple events Edit the events (time/date) Add more events to the same link Send out a reminder...
Stewarding Training Materials
The material on this page is for those planning to train others as Stewards. These training slide packs are available for you to adapt as required for your own training sessions. Materials are constantly being developed and improved so please ensure you downl...
Steward Communications
Contact Us You can reach the Stewarding Team at How do we keep in touch with fellow Stewards Before, during and after the events we use several Telegram chats for chat, queries & call-outs: Big Stewards Chat: For all XR Stew...
XR Action Support Teams Collaborating with Other Organisations
Our Action Support teams have extensive experience working with allied organisations. There are many ways of working together: We can operate as a single support team, all wearing identical branding We can each retain our own branding, for example we might ...
What's it like being a Steward?
'I've been a steward for XR on a few rebellions, and absolutely love it - the stewards are a really welcoming team and its really fun. When I first started stewarding, I was REALLY nervous, but it's easy to get the hang of, the other stewards look after you a...