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39 total results found

Our Culture

Participating in Actions

Insure Our Future

ARCHIVED BOOK : Successful action targeting the global insurance industry is concentrated in the City of London in February 2024.

Starting and Developing Your Local Group


For anyone with access needs or volunteers planning XR events and actions.

Themes for Actions

This section of the Toolkit is a showcase of action ideas on themes. These are not necessarily full action packs, but are here to inspire and provide resources to build your own actions around the same themes. Check out the 'Current Campaigns' section of t...

Cut the Ties Campaign

Ongoing campaign targeting companies that underpin the fossil fuel industry, including lawyers, insurers, banks, engineers and more.

Dirty Water

Dive in! Take direct action to demand clean water: - Climate change and nature loss should inform planning nationally and locally - To treat water as a precious natural life-source - The creation of legal Rights of Nature for all natural entities - The end...

Directory of Talks and Training

Find details about Talks and Training that are run regularly here. Recordings of previous trainings can be found at the bottom of the page in the 'Recorded Training Sessions' section.

XR UK Ways of Working and Constitution

How rebels in XR UK work together. 1. The Principles and Values are the core propositions that we need to commit to in order to act in the name of XR. 2. The Ways of Working guide how we relate to each other in all teams across the UK. 3. The Constitution...

decision making
ways of working
principles and values

SOS: making it work for you

How to use our Self-Organising System (SOS) effectively to organise teams and evolve an effective movement through reflection and learning

internal coordinator
external coordinator
group admin
decision making
mitigate power

Upgrade Democracy

Get your tents and sleeping bags ready for a 3 day occupation which targets the failing system and finally brings citizens’ assemblies to the top of the agenda!

Insure Our Survival

Insurance is the Achilles heel of the global fossil fuel industry.

Restore Nature Now

June 22nd 2024 - London - March for nature involving over 350 different organisations.


Various resources - messaging, actions and more - filed by year

XRUK 2023-24 Strategy

Here Comes Everyone

Welcome and Integration

How to welcome and involve new members in to your Local Group (or Community Group).

Feedback and Learning

Collation of movement-wide surveys and feedback from specific actions

XRUK 2025-26 Strategy

Discover our roadmap for the journey ahead, to spark and sustain a spirit of creative, nonviolent rebellion.