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Dirty Water

Including Don't Pay for Dirty Water Campaign. Building an understanding of how extreme weather events directly affect our waterways and pollution levels. Taking direct action to demand clean water.

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Don't Pay for Dirty Water Campaign

Extinction Rebellion UK, and the Dirty Water campaign have teamed up to sup...

Leaflets, Posters, Banners & more

Action Ideas

Most Action Designs and Ideas are in the Action Packs for the Waves of Action here: https://reb...

Knowledge is Power

Data and information resources to support your actions, outreach materials [e.g. leaflets/flyers]...

Citizens' Assembly on Water

The implementation of effective governance structures and regulatory mechanisms to work in alig...

Dirty Water Campaign Waves

Building an understanding of how extreme weather events directly affect our waterways and polluti...

Make sure you're connected!

💧 Contact Dirty Water Dirty Water Campaign Reception [Mattermost] Email: dirtywatercampaign@pro...