Dirty Water
Dive in! Take direct action to demand clean water:
- Climate change and nature loss should inform planning nationally and locally
- To treat water as a precious natural life-source
- The creation of legal Rights of Nature for all natural entities
- The end of raw sewage discharge into our waterways and an end to leaks by 2030
- A Citizens’ Assembly on Water
Lost at Sea? Start Here ⬅️
How to navigate the Dirty Water book Wave 6 is focused on building communities around water to ta...
Blue Plaques for Nature
What are Blue Plaques? The iconic English Heritage blue plaques commemorate a notable person who...
Everyfin you need to take part
WATER PRESSURE ~ a Citizens' Assembly on Water
The ultimate goal of Dirty Water Wave 6 is to arrive together at this point. In the face of gov...
Community Assemblies for Water
Build on Dirty Water actions and ceremonies to invite your neighbours into a Community Assembly...
Cancel Your Direct Debit or Boycott Your Water Bill?
We all want the polluters to pay for how they've neglected our waterways and breached their licen...
Ceremony | Water is Life
Word Cloud created from The Symbolism Of Fish: Exploring Different Cultures And Meanings Cre...
Catch of The Day
From an original idea by Hubbub and their For Fish's Sake, Don't Drop Litter campaign Take the a...
Fishy Business
Watch how to make and use the Fish Stencil So don't be Koi ~ let's get fishy with it! We have ...
Digital Do-It-At-Home Actions
Digitally Rebel with Dirty Water Let’s work together doing what we can, where we can, when we ca...
Ex-squid-it leaflets, posters, stickers, masks, puppets & more
General Dirty Water Logos
Pipe Logo Get the Dirty Water Pipe Logo in a range of colours here. Round Logo Get the Round Log...
Social Media Resources
Profile and Header images Design Assets are available here for: Facebook page headers Facebook g...
Dirty Water Posters
Ceremony | Water is Life Posters Download or send to a professional printers here: A4 Poster | A3...
Dirty Water Flyers
Water Pressure Flyer Download a hi-res colour version of this flyer for printing. Download a hi-r...
Dirty Water Stickers
Ceremony Sticker Download a hi-res version for printing. Hazard Stickers Download a hi-res ve...
Flags and Banners
Brown Flags XR flags are normally colourful, but for Dirty Water we've branched out! You could co...
Puppets, Masks, Costumes
Make a ‘big splash’ in your local media with colourful puppets, masks and costumes These resource...
Blue Plaques
Link to the Blue Plaques information page
All Porpoise Actions
Find action designs in the Waves however there are more beautiful actions to showcase!
PDF version for downloading and printing here. With thanks to Suffolk, whose MP is Therese Coffey...
Poo Themed actions!
Poo Pouring A short video of a poo-pouring action from Wave 1. Rogers Poo Recipe! Make some por...
Dirty Water Scrubbers
This style theatrical action idea was developed for dirty banks. Your local issue around water po...
Make a mock Newspaper
Here are some design ideas for newspapers for an action, we printed them off and glued them to l...
Make a Fishhead or Fish Mask
From quick and easy to more complex, make a Fishhead or Fish Mask! How to make a Fishhead You...
Dirty Water Coolers and Mock Sewage Pipes
More creative ideas for marches or vigils against polluting water companies. Fairly simple to as...
Face-in-the-Hole boards
These have been super popular at actions based around beaches and leisure swimming spots. Lots of...
Dirty Water Crime Scene
Find instructions for creating your own Dirty Water Crime Scene here.
Making Art with Withy
Knowledge is Powerful
We've spent months researching the perilous state of our waterways so that you don't have to
Data Updates 📊
In this section, you will find everything you need to know to inform your Wave 6 actions. Follow ...
Sources of Water Pollution 💩
Sewage Pollution Latest figures show that raw sewage discharge into rivers and seas accounted for...
Social Justice ⚖️
Global South bares the brunt Global Justice and climate justice are inherently linked as climate ...
Fin-ancialisation 🦈
England's water is highly financialised. How did we get here and what does it mean? A brief hist...
Ecology 🐬🦋🦭
“Everything that we do, from the water we drink, air we breathe and food we eat is all dependent...
Talks & Presentations 🗣️
Previous talks with resources. You can use these to increase awareness and use the resources to d...
Data Stream
Oppor-tuna-ties to make your actions effective
Data and Facts - Wading Through Murk
The deeper you go, the murkier the waters, the easier it is to lose your way. Information is your...
Data and Facts - Gaps
Not Just Sewage Infrastructure Holes To Act On! Knowing what we don’t or cannot know is just as i...
Data & Facts - Gaps: The Law, Makers & Breakers
This is a start in terms of learning where the power lies and where laws are being broken by thos...
Data & Facts - Gaps: Corporate Scum
Corporate Scum Water companies currently have too much power, and are unwilling to act responsi...
Data & Facts - Gaps: War on Water
The War on Water Where there is contaminated land, there are unmapped aquifers and vectors for po...
Data & Facts - Gaps: Our Anthropocene
Our Anthropocene Plastic pollution is one of the reasons that archeologists now argue that we a...
Data & Facts - Gaps: Seeking Nature Based Solutions?
Across the UK local planning regimes still leave much to be desired. For instance: Does your lo...
Data & Facts: Where's The Nearest Lighthouse (What Can We Do?)
Given a general lack of transparency and availability of information from authorities and compani...
Information Resources | Reports, Maps, Data & More
Maps Please be aware that data catchment and sharing is still evolving. We have been made aware ...
Don't Pay for Dirty Water Campaign
Extinction Rebellion UK, BoycottWaterBills.com and the Dirty Water campaign have teamed up to su...
Dirty Water | Waves
Links to all the Waves in one tide-y plaice using the handy Dirty Water Landing Page. Fintastic! ...
Drop Us a Line
All the ways to connect with the Dirty Water Campaign 💧 Contact Dirty Water Dirty Water Campaig...
News & Updates
Any day-to-day jaws for concern on Dirty Water
Does a Citizen's Assembly on Water Make Sense?
We recently received the following question (shortened for brevity): The XR advocacy of Citizens’...
Call for a Citizens' Assembly Reaches National Television
Caz Dennett on ITV's GMB 21-Aug-2024 In a brief slot, Caz cut through perfectly with the demand ...
Suddenly, some activity - Dirty Water’s view
A response to Water politics manoeuvres Oct - Nov 2024 Clive Lewis Private Member’s Bill Launched...