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Dirty Water

Dive in! Take direct action to demand clean water:
- Climate change and nature loss should inform planning nationally and locally
- To treat water as a precious natural life-source
- The creation of legal Rights of Nature for all natural entities
- The end of raw sewage discharge into our waterways and an end to leaks by 2030
- A Citizens’ Assembly on Water

Lost at Sea? Start Here ⬅️

How to navigate the Dirty Water book Wave 6 is focused on building communities around water to ta...

Blue Plaques for Nature

What are Blue Plaques? The iconic English Heritage blue plaques commemorate a notable person who...


Everyfin you need to take part


Ex-squid-it leaflets, posters, stickers, masks, puppets & more

All Porpoise Actions

Find action designs in the Waves however there are more beautiful actions to showcase!

Knowledge is Powerful

We've spent months researching the perilous state of our waterways so that you don't have to

Data Stream

Oppor-tuna-ties to make your actions effective

Don't Pay for Dirty Water Campaign

Extinction Rebellion UK, and the Dirty Water campaign have teamed up to su...

Dirty Water | Waves

Links to all the Waves in one tide-y plaice using the handy Dirty Water Landing Page. Fintastic! ...

Drop Us a Line

All the ways to connect with the Dirty Water Campaign 💧 Contact Dirty Water Dirty Water Campaig...

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