Stewarding Training
We have a number of Zoom sessions where we will go through various aspects of Stewarding and give you a chance to ask questions. We recommend all Stewards attend Stewards General Training, or a face to face session at an event.
We aim to run online training monthly and more frequently in the run up to big events
Signup to be a Steward on XR Action Network to hear about these sessions or keep an eye on the Movement Broadcast on Telegram.
General Steward training - online
General Stewards Training Video General Stewarding Training - 30min
General Stewards Briefing Video Short 4min video of stewarding tips
Other related training
We have also run the sessions listed below previously, and can organise again if they are needed - contactemail us on for details:details:
- Accessability & Inclusion for Stewards
- Protest Liasion for Stewards
- Outreach for Stewards
- De escalation for Stewards
Planning and executing a march
Training materials, Powerpoint slide decs etc. are available if you want to run your own training sesions.
Training: Face to Face
We usually run face to face training sessions during large events, typically 1 hour before shifts start.
Top Tips Sheet
Helpful sheet if you just want to print one page, export this one as a PDF
Lead Steward Training
Lead Stewards are welcome to join any of the training sessions above and we can always add on a section at the end to cover Lead topics (its a few extra slides)
Further Training
These optional additional training modules will enhance your skills and confidence when Stewarding:
- Notes on talking to the police
Counter Terrorism Training - spotting threats
Deescalation Training (Login required)
CPR Training 💔
Street Speakers (short talks you might be interested in delivering to parts of the crowd)
Witnessing an arrest
Witnessing a stop and search
Street Outreach Skills Training
Crowd Safety and Crowd Risk Analysis (crowd density tech paper)