Shown below are all the known pages in the system that link to this item.
The Right to Protest vs. the Role of the Police
Whilst there is no specific ‘right to protest’ in law, everyone does have the right to peacefully...
What is Action Support?
In order to succeed, actions need to be planned with a surrounding web of support. ‘Support’ mea...
The Cut the Ties campaign has been prominent in London and as a result the police recognise and r...
Arrestee / Back Office Support
There are many roles related to Arrestee Support and Backoffice, but on the day of actions, these...
Post Action Blues - a Guide to coming down to earth
The last few years have been both a productive and challenging time for Extinction Rebellion. Th...
The Actions Community - Get help and advice
Don't panic! You have reached this page because you want to drive change through action - the ver...
Getting support from XRUK
There are hundreds of actions a month across the UK. Supporting and promoting every one is imposs...
More resources
Social Justice Reading Greenpeace: Climate Justice and Social Justice: Two Sides of the Same Co...
More Resources
Global Justice Reading Generation Climate Europe: Global North and Global South: How Climate Ch...
More Resources
General Resources when Action Planning Planning Actions Rebel Toolkit: Actions Shelf Action P...
Take Part in Actions
4. We openly challenge ourselves and this toxic system: leaving our comfort zones to take actio...