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Take Part in Actions

4. We openly challenge ourselves and this toxic system: leaving our comfort zones to take action for change.

9. We are a nonviolent network: using nonviolent strategy and tactics as the most effective way to bring about change.

Some of us will undertake open (“above ground”) actions that risk arrest and charges (though we do not need everyone to take these risks).

Join an action

Actions are the raison d'etre of XR. As an NVDA (Nonviolent Direct Action) movement, we believe that taking Direct Action is the most effective thing that we can do to make change.

Details of XR actions can be found on:

Get trained and get involved

Register for our new Prepare for Action training
Volunteer for an Action Support role

Planning actions

  • For those with an idea for a new Action, there is plenty of help and support in the Action Planning book.
  • Design Ideas for Actions can be used as building blocks for your action.
  • Also you might get inspired previous actions around the movement and delve into the resources in Themes for Actions. This book is organised by themes such as biodiversity or flooding.

Guidance and support

  • Prepare for Action training is essential for anyone who wants to take part in direct action, whether or not you are prepared to be arrested. Covers parts of an action, support roles, de-escalation, and what to expect if you are arrested.
  • Know Your Rights aims to encourage safe protest. This covers your legal rights, interacting with the police, prejudice in the criminal justice system, as well as how to limit risk to yourselves and others.
  • Everyone is asked to follow the Rebel Code as a guide to behaviour at Actions.
  • Read XR's Legal Advice & Support as it applies to Actions.
  • If you'd like to learn more about XR, view the Intro to XR book.