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Our ambition for 2023-2024

Extinction Rebellion UK have launched this strategic period by meeting this moment head-on, with the audacious 100 Days Campaign, culminating in The Big One - the biggest action yet. Incredibly, over 100,000 people attended over the four days, and a broad spectrum of other groups, from radical to mainstream, not only supported us but turned up and mobilised with us.

We now have the opportunity to kick off a new era of community and coalition building, along with clear and practical pathways set out for people from all different backgrounds to empower themselves through activation. The spectrum of resistance is a spectrum of activation: our work is to bring huge numbers into active participation, protest and nonviolent direct action (NVDA).

Bridging from the status quo to a healthier society and planet requires a practical, realistic plan. The Big One marked the beginning of the construction of a new path forward in co-creation with other groups.